Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 3,2008 Happy Safe Holiday

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO ALL ! Wishing everyone a safe holiday weekend !

I cant believe we are just over a week away from one of the most exciting time of my life ! This is truly a remarkable accomplishment for me. To be able to even complete the rigorous training is an achievement I never thought I was capable of. I am so proud of our team and the dedication towards running. I hope to keep up the running for as long as I possibly can, its totally infectious. Wednesday's run was great and surprisingly hard ! Kim S thank you so much for your time and your dedication to helping us be the best we can be. Carol you are doing so awesome I couldnt keep up with you ! I am so proud of you, I am in awe! With the awesome weight loss and your Mom passing away recently you truly are an inspiration to me. Joe C. you are such a great asset to the team and I love running and the conversation before and after the runs ! You make me laugh. Its great to have such fun running partners.
Anne I missed you but will see you tomorrow !

Thoughts and prayers are with the Ingalls family for the loss of Bob. I didnt know him personally but knew of him and what he accomplished for the community, he truly was a very remarkable man. He will be missed but not forgotten.

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